The perspectives of women in leadership positions in micro and small companies in the city of Manaus – AM
Female Leadership, Micro and Small Companies, WomenAbstract
Since the beginning of the 21st century, leadership in organizations has undergone transformations, with new contexts and improved studies. In thefield of leadership studies, much has been discussed on the subject of gender. Over the last ten years, female leadership has become a reality in organizations. However, it is still common to hear about and/or witness acts of all kinds that harm women's integrity in the workplace. The research aims to understand the perspectives of women in leadership positions in micro and small companies in the city of Manaus. This study is characterizedas qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore issues that had already been identified or that might arise in the field. The population of this research was made up of twelve women in leadership positions in micro and small companies in the city of Manaus - AM. In order to access the women taking part in this study, the snowball methodology was used exponentially. The results showed that, in relation to the challengesexperienced by women after gaining leadership positions, innovation and reconciling work and family were particularly important. For them, the fact that there is an entrenched patriarchal society and organizations that are still taking slow steps in relation to the conditions of mothers makes thisreconciliation complex. All the interviewees mentioned the change in paradigms and in society in relation to what is needed for there to be more womenleaders in the job market.
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