Análise das emissões de alternativas de transporte turístico de um participante do 20º Rio de Transportes


  • Rodrigo Pinheiro Tóffano Pereira Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Nadya Regina Galo Universidade Federal Fluminense



Transport, Business tourism, Rio de Transportes, Carbon footprint.


A significant portion of the global carbon footprint originates from tourist transport. However, there needs to be more studies concerning business tourism. Therefore, this paper aims to present a comparative analysis of equivalent carbon emissions arising from the modal choices of a participant traveling from Goiânia to Rio de Janeiro to attend the 20th Rio de Transportes Conference. To achieve this, an advanced Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method based on the hybrid LCA-DESNZ approach, capable of assessing direct and indirect gas emissions, was applied. Five scenarios were developed, taking into account the most common transport alternatives and fuels for this journey. The results show that traveling by bus emits only 20% of the Greenhouse Gas GHG emissions of plane trips with stopovers. The LCA also confirmed that the 'indirect' GHG emissions from this business tourism are significant, underscoring the importance of their incorporation in future impact assessments. In addition, it reflects on the emissions of those who attended the event virtually.


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