Analysis and proposal for service improvement in a space teaching: a case study in an Educational Institution Superior of the North Region


  • Nilda Andrade Federal University of Pará
  • Lilaine de Sousa Neres Lilaine de Sousa Neres Federal University of Pará
  • Diego Cardoso Federal University of Pará
  • Gilmar Sidonio Federal University of Pará
  • Harley dos Santos Martins Universidade Federal do Pará



Teaching space, Servqual, services, quality.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of services in the teaching space at a higher education institution in the North Region and propose improvements through an action plan. 102 students were interviewed through a questionnaire with 54 questions distributed among the five dimensions of the SERVQUAL model, Tangibility, Reliability, Security, Empathy and Speed, to verify students' expectations and perceptions in relation to the services offered. The collected data were tabulated in Excel©, which allowed identifying the Gaps for each category as well as the dimensions that generated greater dissatisfaction among users. The results showed an average of -0.075 for the five dimensions. Among the dimensions, the biggest gap was reliability (-0.405), followed by the dimensions empathy with -0.402, promptness with -0.343, tangibility with -0.324 and security with 1.163. From the results, it was possible to create an action plan aimed at improving services with a focus on items identified as priorities. The PCDA and 5W1H tools were used to prepare the action plan aimed at improving services in the teaching space.


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