Uberhub, an Innovation Ecosystem: An Analysis Using a Systemic Approach
Innovation Ecosystems, Systemic Approach, UberHub, Innovation, Acting AgentsAbstract
Cities are being pushed to evolve in conjunction with an innovation environment, known as Innovation Ecosystems. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate an Innovation Ecosystem from a systemic perspective. The object of this study was an innovation community located in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, called UberHub. Data was collected initially through secondary data and later through interviews with the community leader in order to achieve the proposed objectives. The data was collected and analyzed using the content analysis technique and a systems approach to identify the active agents operating in the community. The results showed that UberHub, through its work in the ecosystem, connects different actors to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in its operating environment, encourages development and seeks to find solutions to real problems in local society. However, the results also indicated that the lack of leadership in strategic planning is one of the ecosystem's biggest challenges. Using a systemic perspective to focus on Innovation Ecosystems, it was possible to highlight the promoting practices that characterize innovation environments and how these practices can contribute to the region and to the innovation of a region through the exchange of interactions with the active agents.
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