Family farming in the Covid-19 pandemic: innovative strategies that emerged among the farmers of the Rural Women's Fair in the municipality of Itaituba in the state of Pará
Family farming, Covid-19, InnovationAbstract
The Covid-19 health crisis has had significant impacts on a number of sectors, especially family farming that has had to adapt quickly to ensure its livelihood. In this sense, innovation strategies are fundamental to help farmers face the challenges posed by the new context. The aim of this research is to identify innovative strategies that have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic among the farmers of the Rural Women's Fair in the municipality of Itaituba, in the state of Pará, in order to map the initiatives adopted by them to face the challenges posed by the context of the health crisis. An exploratory-descriptive, qualitative research was carried out based on a case study. The sample was composed of farmers from the Rural Women's Fair. Data collection was performed through seven semi-structured on-site interviews. Data were analyzed using the Atlas.ti software and the content analysis technique. The results suggest that the strategies adopted were essential for the continuity of family farming, especially through innovation. The Rural Women's Fair was able to overcome the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to the implementation of preventive measures, the support of the municipal government, the decisions taken by the participants of the fair, the introduction of new products and improvement of those already existing, in addition to the adoption of technology.
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