Socio-technical transitions towards sustainable development: A proposal for learning assessment in livestock SMEs in the semi-arid Pampas of Argentina
Technological niche; Sustainability; Evaluation; Agricultural production.Abstract
The urgency to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the face of climate change has increased interest in studies on innovation niches in food systems. Strategic Niche Management in the framework of the Multi-Level Perspective considers that deep learning must be achieved in experimenting with innovations and demands greater understanding of instrumental aspects to guide the evolution of a niche. This study proposes to assess the progress of innovative performance towards sustainability of small and medium livestock enterprises in the Southwest of Buenos Aires, a fragile region of the Pampas biome of Argentina, as a result of learning generated in rural extension activities of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) in order to identify leverage points in the process of technological change towards more sustainable systems. An exploratory-descriptive study was carried out using qualitative-quantitative methods. Ten producers were interviewed and the MESMIS method was proposed for the construction of indicators and assessment of learning goals towards sustainability. A rapprochement of producers from modal practices to more innovative ones was observed, reflecting conditions for the progress and consolidation of the niche. However, they need for greater professionalization and institutional articulation. The study generated a measurement instrument for the self-assessment of the niche enterprises and the planning of INTA's intervention strategies. It sought to broaden empirical research in Latin America, which is still scarce in approaches to socio-technical transitions, and to advance in the evaluation of experiments in transformative innovations on the agenda for the literature.
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