Risk Management Plan for Corruption and Related Infractions in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions
Accountability, Risk Management, Corruption and Related Infractions, Higher Education Institutions, PortugalAbstract
Risk management, as a strategic management tool, has been identified as a problem since the Risk Management Plan for Corruption and Related Infractions (PGRCIC) is poorly developed in terms of identification, analysis, assessment, and treatment of risks inherent to activities it develops. Thus, over the years, discrepancies have been diagnosed around the dissemination, structure, content and monitoring of PGRCIC in Portuguese public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) (Ferreira, 2018). This paper aims to discuss the application of the legal regulation of the PGRCIC, with a special focus on Portuguese public HEI, as well as to emphasize the importance of updating their plans, to avoid organizational constraints and penalties. In methodological terms, it is subdivided into an exploratory qualitative analysis followed by an analysis of the normative, legal, and regulatory framework in the fight against corruption in the risk management. Then, an empirical analysis carried out in a documental research and analysis of the contents of the PGRCIC published on the websites of Portuguese public HEI, specifically, about planning, monitoring, and evaluating, as well as the identification of areas potentially risk creators. The results allow us to conclude that there is a long way to go, given that the investigation carried out found limitations in accessing and obtaining information, despite the public disclosure of the PGRCIC being a legal obligation.
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