An analysis of the factors that influenced the financial result of the investments made by the FMIEE CRIATEC


  • Vinicius Cesar Santos Magalhães UFMG
  • Márcia Siqueira Rapini
  • Solange Gomes Leonel



Venture Capital, Financing of Innovation, investment analysis


The goal of this paper is to analyze the investments made by the Criatec Fund, seeking to identify which factors influenced the fund's financial result. For this purpose, initially the metrics of financial return on investments were determined and the variables were defined for the factors analysis, qualitative and quantitative, which influenced the investments of Criatec financial result. Each of these factors was related to the financial result, through the hierarchical cluster analysis, in addition to determining groups of companies with similar characteristics and which had the best chance of positive financial returns. The results found that having partners with qualifications or experience in management proved to be an expressive factor in the supported companies' performance. Another differential factor was the innovation degree, where companies with more disruptive technologies presented lower financial results than companies with products without huge technological differentials.


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