Motivation for co-production of the public good:

conceptual reflections and research notes.


  • Joacil Carlos Viana Bezerra Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração - UFPB/PPGA



The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the state of the art on citizens' motivations for the Co-production of the Public Good (CBP). The purpose is to identify the different aspects that motivate citizens to get involved in CBP, either in partnership with the State or with civil society organizations, as well as allowing the generation of new knowledge from these aspects. As a methodology, the research used an integrative literature review, through analysis of categorical content, in order to gather and synthesize the results of research that address aspects that motivate the citizen to be a co-producer of the public good. The motivational aspects presented in the synthesis matrix point out the different motivations for the citizen to participate in the CBP, leaving latent the complexity of the theme and how difficult it is to propose a single size model, because different forms of co-production may require different strategies to engage the public. Listing these aspects is relevant to public managers and civil society organizations, as they can guide the strategies to be used to engage citizens in CBP. Thus, they must adopt different strategies regarding the involvement of citizens in CBP, taking into account that each participant is unique and has different motivations. Based on the analyzed aspects, questions are presented that contribute to the formation of a research agenda, as well as assist public managers interested in the co-production of the public good as a management strategy.


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