Climate Change as an Exogenous Triggers affecting the Technological Search Behavior


  • Paulo Feitosa Universidade de São Paulo






 This paper aims to examine the process of global climate change as an exogenous trigger that modifies the level and direction of the firms' technological search behavior. The analysis organizes the main literature on three main levels, the firm, given the technological exhaustion and expansion beyond national markets, the market, given specific conditions of its evolution affecting its operation and the distribution of incentives, and the system, which reflects the stimuli for carrying out innovative activities from different technological opportunity conditions. The paper seeks to demonstrate, from the underlying literature, that the transformations in the technological environment promoted by the climatic changes are an important exogenous factor capable of changing the way in which companies lead their technological search activity. In this sense, the contribution of the article is to relate these transformations to three main levels, in order to extrapolate the sectorial, technological and geographical limits of the existing studies. 


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